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Frequently Asked Questions
Shall I always keep an eye on the renovation process?
We strongly believe that the process of renovation should be fun yet professional. Our consultants had undergo series of professional training to deliver the best of quality to you. Just sit back and relax and we will deliver your dream home to you.
Can I request for additional items from Interspace during construction?
Yes. You may voice your needs to our Consultants and we will be glad to assist you.
When will I expecting the design consultant replying to my electronic messages?
Our Consultants are trying their very best to serve you and each of Interspace clients. At the same time, we also appreciate our consultant’s health, family, resting and personal times. Any calls or messages after office hour, Kindly do note that the consultants may not able to respond to any form of calls or electronic transmissions immediately between 1900-0900 (Monday-Friday), including the weekly day of rest and Federal Territory gazetted holidays.
Can I engage other contractor or tradesmen to carry out the renovation works the same time as the Interspace?
We do not recommend you to do so. It is also to prevent any work being damaged by either party. This will create unexpected conflicts between other contractors and our consultants. We strongly suggest that your contractor or tradesmen to carry out their works before the commencement of our work or after our works has been completed.
Can I deliver my electrical appliances such as TV and refrigerator to the unit during construction period?
We are not obliged to collect any Client’s personal properties delivered to the Unit during the commencement of work. If you wishes to deliver any personal properties to the unit, it is recommended that you should obtain our consultant’s written consent. At the same time, please be reminded that we shall not be responsible for any loss or damages of delivered personal properties caused by the carrying out of construction works.
How long is the Defects Liability Period and what does it covers?
The Defects Liability Period shall be twelve (12) months. It covers all works or furnitures that has been prescribed inside the agreement quotation, EXCEPT those electrical appliances which shall fall under full or limited warranty by its respective manufacturer. If there are any defects during, kindly email to us at or reach out to our
1. What if the work at site not completed in accordance to the works programme provided by the consultant?
The Works Programme is to show a rough estimated time of work to be completed at site. Our contractors may sometimes fabricate all goods off-site and are not bound to commence or complete the works in the order referred to in the Works Programme. However, do not worry as we assure you that all works shall be completed before the Completion Date as stated.
2. After the Completion Date, can I move in before official handover?
No. As a professional, we are concern with your health and safety at all times. There may be works that requires quality check by our professional consultants. It is our duty to ensure that all works completed by us are safe to use by you and your families. However, if you wish to move in earlier, kindly consult and obtain written consent from our consultants. We will try our very best to suit your needs.
3. Can I visit my unit during construction period?
Yes, but you must obtain consent from our consultants first. Kindly do not visit the unit on your own. Again, it is our duty to ensure your health and safety at all times. Our consultants will gladly arrange a site walk-through with you.